Multiply array if number is under certain value

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Peter Lyngbye
Peter Lyngbye 2022년 3월 22일
댓글: Mathieu NOE 2022년 3월 22일
Im using a script to calculate power from two varaiables. Though i need to multiply my power (P_out) with a certain value (for example 2) if the value is under 1.000.000 to correct my data...
So i have 144 numbers, and all numbers beneath 1.000.000 needs to be multiplied by 2. Maybe 30 of these values are beneath 1.000.000...
How do i do this? Hope someone knows this
This is the code:
Data = readtable('Rejstrup Pyra .xlsx'); %Celcius
T_Pyra = table2array(Data(83:(223),8))
Radiation = table2array(Data(83:(223),3)) %kW/m^2
PV_radiation = Radiation./1000
T_modul = (T_Pyra)+(PV_radiation/20) %Celcius
T_korrektion = 1-(T_modul-T_Pyra).*(0.40/100)
I_korrektion = 0.988
P_peak = 23947000 %watt
P_out = P_peak.*T_korrektion.*I_korrektion.*PV_radiation %Watt
This is my values for my power, where every value beneath 1.000.000 needs to be multiplied with 2.
Exporting it to excel (not relevant):
filnavn='Beregnet P_available fra Rejstrup.xlsx'
Best regards

답변 (1개)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022년 3월 22일
this is very simple - see below :
P_out = 1000000 + 80000*randn(10,1); % dummy data
hold on
ind = P_out<=1000000; % find values below 1000000
P_out(ind) = P_out(ind)*2; % correction (put the right correction factor here)
hold off
  댓글 수: 29
Peter Lyngbye
Peter Lyngbye 2022년 3월 22일
This is perfect!
Only last thing i need is this adjustment but for the other half of the curve (late hours):
ind = 130 - ind_start; % find time line corresponding 9:30 AM
P_out(1:ind) = P_out(1:ind)*0.97; % correction (put the right correction factor here)
Right now it only adjust the early hours :/
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022년 3월 22일
I put back those lines in the code (see below) , but I have a hard time to see what the 0.97 makes as an improvement ?? or did I forgot another piece of code from the past ?
this is not doing any shift in the early hours...
see figure 1 (below)
figure 2 is simply the "heavy" correction method I already posted above
%% reference data (grey)
Data_ref = readtable('Rejstrup Effekt.xlsx','VariableNamingRule' ,'preserve'); %Celcius
% [m,n] = size(Data_ref);
ind_start = 60; %
ind_stop = 222; %
Data_ref = Data_ref(ind_start:ind_stop,:); % retrict all table data between two time indexes from 7:10 AM to 18:25 PM
Data_ref_time = datetime(table2array(Data_ref(:,1)));
P_out_ref= table2array(Data_ref(:,2));
%% measurement (blue, to be corrected)
Data = readtable('Rejstrup Pyra .xlsx','VariableNamingRule' ,'preserve'); %Celcius
% [m,n] = size(Data);
Data = Data(ind_start:ind_stop,:); % retrict all table data between two time indexes from 7:10 AM to 18:25 PM
Data_time = datetime(table2array(Data(:,1)));
T_Pyra = table2array(Data(:,8));
Radiation = table2array(Data(:,3)); %kW/m^2
PV_radiation = Radiation./1000;
T_modul = (T_Pyra)+(PV_radiation/20); %Celcius
T_korrektion = 1-(T_modul-T_Pyra).*(0.40/100);
I_korrektion = 0.988;
P_peak = 23947000; %watt
P_out = P_peak.*T_korrektion.*I_korrektion.*PV_radiation; %Watt
%% basic correction
P_out_corrected = P_out; % init P_out_corrected
ind = 116 - ind_start; % find time line corresponding 9:30 AM
P_out_corrected(1:ind) = P_out_corrected(1:ind)*0.97; % correction # 1 (put the right correction factor here)
legend('ref (grey)','blue (uncorrected)','blue (corrected)');
%% full correction (remove code below if necessary)
% make the blue match exactly the grey
P_out_corrected = P_out; % init P_out_corrected
ind = P_out<eps;
P_out_ref(ind) = 0; % avoid very high (inf) cor_factor due to division by eps !
cor_factor = P_out_ref./(P_out+eps); % + eps to avoid division by zero if P_out = 0 !
P_out_corrected = P_out_corrected.*cor_factor;
legend('ref (grey)','blue (uncorrected)','blue (corrected)');

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