Can we compute the graph Laplacian matrix for a directed graph?

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
Souarv De
Souarv De 2022년 3월 16일
댓글: Souarv De 2022년 3월 16일
How to find graph laplacian matrix of a directed graph?

채택된 답변

Christine Tobler
Christine Tobler 2022년 3월 16일
It depends how you want to define it, there is no one consistent definition of what the graph laplacian of a directed graph is. This wikipedia page lists some options.
  댓글 수: 2
Christine Tobler
Christine Tobler 2022년 3월 16일
For undirected graphs, the graph class in MATLAB has a laplacian method.
Souarv De
Souarv De 2022년 3월 16일
Thanks @Christine Tobler for providing the resource link for the subject matter. It's really help me a lot.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2022년 3월 16일
편집: Bruno Luong 2022년 3월 16일
In this thread I give formula for graph, for digraph you just need to be careful about indegree or outdegree
% TMW example
s = [1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 9];
t = [2 3 4 1 4 5 5 3 6 7 9 10 10];
G = digraph(s,t);
A = G.adjacency;
% Use Laplacian
Din = diag(sum(A,1)); % in degree matrix
Dout = diag(sum(A,2)); % in degree matrix
Lin = Din - A % laplacian matrix
Lin =
(1,1) 1 (3,1) -1 (1,2) -1 (2,2) 1 (2,3) -1 (3,3) 2 (5,3) -1 (2,4) -1 (3,4) -1 (4,4) 2 (3,5) -1 (4,5) -1 (5,5) 2 (5,6) -1 (6,6) 1 (5,7) -1 (7,7) 1 (8,9) -1 (9,9) 1 (8,10) -1 (9,10) -1 (10,10) 2
Lout = Dout - A % laplacian matrix
Lout =
(1,1) 1 (3,1) -1 (1,2) -1 (2,2) 2 (2,3) -1 (3,3) 3 (5,3) -1 (2,4) -1 (3,4) -1 (4,4) 1 (3,5) -1 (4,5) -1 (5,5) 3 (5,6) -1 (5,7) -1 (8,8) 2 (8,9) -1 (9,9) 1 (8,10) -1 (9,10) -1
  댓글 수: 1
Souarv De
Souarv De 2022년 3월 16일
Thanks @Bruno Luong for your easy explanation via the simple codding. It's really solved my doubts.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.


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