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How to export data as a shapefile without the mapping toolbox?

조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
Emma Whettall
Emma Whettall 2022년 3월 14일
편집: Moksh 2023년 11월 2일
I have a polygon definied by a series of longitude and latitude coordinates.
lat = [56.182254, 56.185120, 56.163141, 56.165244];
lon = [-6.3276100, -6.2664986, -6.2664986, -6.3121605];
Is there a way to export this polygon as a shapefile in matlab R2021? I do not have the mapping toolbox so cannot use shapewrite.
Thanks for your help!

답변 (1개)

Moksh 2023년 11월 2일
편집: Moksh 2023년 11월 2일
Hi Emma,
I understand that you don’t have access to the “Mapping Toolbox” in MATLAB and you want to export the defined polygon as a shapefile.
You can try using the “fopen” function in MATLAB to create a shapefile. Then the shapefile can be edited using the “fprintf” function and exported using without the use of mapping toolbox.
Here is an example code for this:
% Define the polygon coordinates
lat = [56.182254, 56.185120, 56.163141, 56.165244];
lon = [-6.3276100, -6.2664986, -6.2664986, -6.3121605];
% Create a new shapefile file
fid = fopen('my_polygon.shp', 'w');
% Write the polygon coordinates to the shapefile file
fprintf(fid, '%.8f %.8f\n', lon, lat);
% Close the shapefile file
Here the “%.8f” represents the format specifier which tells the “fopen” function to write the polygon coordinates with 8 places of precision, separated by a space and a new line. This can be updated as per the requirements.
For more information about the used functions please refer to the following documentation:
I hope this information helps resolve the issue.
Best Regards,
Moksh Aggarwal


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