Build Matlab Runtime Application with R2018b but to run with other version of MATLAB

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
I have build application using MATLAB R2018b Compiler (SDK), it runs fine if I set path to R2018b runtime libraries. But if I set path pointing to R2019b or R2016b runtime libraries, it failed and still ask for mclmcrrt9_5.dll, which is R2018b runtime library. Can someone help me on this to see if this is possible. Thx.

답변 (1개)

Dinesh 2023년 12월 29일
Hi Weiliang,
MATLAB compiled applications are generally tied to the version of the MATLAB Runtime corresponding to the MATLAB version used for compilation. An application compiled with R2018b's MATLAB Compiler SDK expects R2018b's runtime libraries, and won't work with runtimes from other versions due to potential incompatibilities.
To run your application with a different version's runtime, you would typically need to recompile the application using the MATLAB Compiler SDK from that specific version (R2019b or R2016b in your case). This ensures compatibility with the MATLAB Runtime version you intend to use.


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