How to plot from certain range of data?

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
arymas 2014년 12월 16일
댓글: Image Analyst 2014년 12월 20일
Hi everyone,
Actually I want find the stepinfo value but I have huge amount of data (many square waves of data). As far as I know stepinfo can determine if the signal in one square wave. Therefore I want to plot the data in certain range. The data (x and y) are in same folder of the workspace. What I did is below but did not work.
>> x=Scope1(:,1);
>> x=[10:0.02:20];
>> y=Scope1(:,3);
>> plot(x,y)
Error using plot.
Vectors must be the same lengths.
>> x=Scope1(:,1);
>> xlim=([10 20]);
>> y=Scope1(:,3);
>> plot(x,y)
Number 2 produce no error but it plots whole data (xlim is not functioning).
I also tried with fplot (function, xlim ) but it didn't work (it plot y=x).
>> x=Scope1(:,1);
>> y=Scope1(:,3);
>> fplot('y' , [10 20])
Can anybody help me how to plot?
Thank you in advance!
  댓글 수: 2
Star Strider
Star Strider 2014년 12월 16일
Is ‘Scope’ the output of one or more stepinfo calls? We have no idea.
arymas 2014년 12월 17일
Scope1(:,1) --> is x4 double data which from simulink to workspace. number 1 and 3 are refer to coloum 1 and 3.

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답변 (2개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 12월 16일
First of all, what is Scope? Is it a 2D array of square wave data where each column is one square wave?
Next, what is stepinfo? And how is it able to determine anything ? Did you write a function called stepinfo?
Then, why do you set x = a column of Scope then overwrite it with a linear vector? So of course x is a different length than y since they are not both columns of Scope anymore.
Why do you want to plot y vs. x anyway? If they're both square waves, what sense would that make?
Then, to set the axes limits you cannot do this
xlim=([10 20]);
You must do it this way:
xlim([10 20]); % No equal sign.
  댓글 수: 2
arymas 2014년 12월 17일
First of all, thank you very much for xlim correction. I will try. Second very sorry for lack of info provided.
Scope1(:,1) --> is x4 double data which from simulink to workspace. number 1 and 3 are refer to coloum 1 (for x) and 3 ( for y). The stepinfo is one of the matlab tools to get control system performance (settling time, overshoot, etc..).
thank you again !
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 12월 20일
Sorry I can't help - I don't have Simulink or stepinfo.

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Sudharsana Iyengar
Sudharsana Iyengar 2014년 12월 17일
Did you try the following
xlim([10 20])
More easier option would be to use
xlim([10 20])


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