How do I find built in sounds?

조회 수: 223 (최근 30일)
Jarred 2014년 12월 12일
답변: Image Analyst 2022년 10월 13일
I need to load two built in matlab sound files, store them, and concatenate the sounds so they play one immediately followed by the other. I cannot figure out how to even find built in sound files so I am stuck. Can anyone help me figure out the sound file codes?
  댓글 수: 1
Chad Greene
Chad Greene 2014년 12월 15일
Many times I've wished for a clear list of sample data, perhaps in a simple table given with data type, toolbox, and in which Matlab release(s) you'll find each sample data file. Good documentation of code often requires sample data, and requires confidence that users will be able to follow along with an example, no matter what release of Matlab they're using or what toolboxes they have. I've contacted TMW with this request before and I got a friendly, but non-committal response.

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채택된 답변

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021년 4월 16일
See Example Audio Data toward the bottom of this list.
help audiovideo
Audio and Video support. Audio input/output objects. audioplayer - Audio player object. audiorecorder - Audio recorder object. Audio Device utilities audiodevinfo - Audio device information. audiodevreset - Reset the list of audio devices. Audio hardware drivers. sound - Play vector as sound. soundsc - Autoscale and play vector as sound. Audio file import and export. audioread - Read audio samples from an audio file. audiowrite - Write audio samples to an audio file. audioinfo - Return information about an audio file. Video file import/export. VideoReader - Read video frames from a video file. VideoWriter - Write video frames to a video file. mmfileinfo - Return information for a multimedia file. Utilities. lin2mu - Convert linear signal to mu-law encoding. mu2lin - Convert mu-law encoding to linear signal. Example audio data (MAT files). chirp - Frequency sweeps (1.6 sec, 8192 Hz) gong - Gong (5.1 sec, 8192 Hz) handel - Hallelujah chorus (8.9 sec, 8192 Hz) laughter - Laughter from a crowd (6.4 sec, 8192 Hz) splat - Chirp followed by a splat (1.2 sec, 8192 Hz) train - Train whistle (1.5 sec, 8192 Hz) See also IMAGESCI, IOFUN.
To find the location of a file,
which chirp.mat

추가 답변 (4개)

dzid_ 2019년 9월 30일

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2014년 12월 12일
S(1) = load('gong');
S(2) = load('handel');
And more help: audioread, audiowrite.
  댓글 수: 1
Robert Jenkins
Robert Jenkins 2022년 10월 13일
if you multiply Gong by Handel, and use a bit rate of 10,000 it sounds like a window breaking.
That might make a nice alarm.
S(1) = load('gong');
S(2) = load('handel');
S(3).y = ((S(2).y(1:length(S(1).y),1)).*(S(1).y));
S(3).Fs = 10000;

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Chad Greene
Chad Greene 2014년 12월 12일
also load laughter and load train.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 10월 13일
wavFileList = dir('C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\**/*.WAV')
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\examples\deeplearning_shared\data
audio_mix_441.wav keywordTestSignal.wav
clean_speech_signal.wav room_impulse_response.wav
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\examples\matlab\data
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\examples\predmaint_shared\data
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\examples\signal\data
guitartune.wav noisymusic.wav speech_dft.wav
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\mcr\toolbox\comm\comm
Files Found in: C:\program files\MATLAB\R2022b\toolbox\signal\signal


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