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How to extract the coordinates of points/vertices in a curve?

조회 수: 17 (최근 30일)
loyyy 2022년 3월 6일
댓글: Bruno Luong 2022년 3월 14일
I have plotted a sinosoidal closed curve in Matlab. I want to divide that curve into 120 vertices and get the coordinates of each vertices. Now here is my question: how to write the code and extract the output (coordinates of each vertex) in matlab?
Here is the code for closed curve:
t = 0:0.01:2*pi; %define interval
x = cos(t);
y = sin(t);
f = 10; %define modulation frequency
A = .2; % modulation amplitude
R = A*cos(f*t); %
z = R;
  댓글 수: 1
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2022년 3월 6일
You already have the coordinates in the form of x,y and z.
Do you mean from graph by a certain method?

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2022년 3월 6일
편집: Matt J 2022년 3월 6일
f = 10; %define modulation frequency
A = .2; % modulation amplitude
t = linspace(0,2*pi,120)';
vertices = 120×3
1.0000 0 0.2000 0.9986 0.0528 0.1728 0.9944 0.1054 0.0985 0.9875 0.1577 -0.0026 0.9778 0.2096 -0.1030 0.9654 0.2609 -0.1754 0.9502 0.3115 -0.1999 0.9325 0.3612 -0.1700 0.9121 0.4099 -0.0938 0.8892 0.4575 0.0079
  댓글 수: 18
loyyy 2022년 3월 8일
편집: loyyy 2022년 3월 8일
Hello, @Matt J.I just want to add.
The circular pictures I sent in my previous comments are just representations of the supposed top view of the sinosoidal closed curve after the changes from radial discretization to smaller triangular mesh.
Radial Discretization into small Triangular mesh. Thanks
loyyy 2022년 3월 9일
@Matt J hoping you can still help me with this matter. Thank you

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2022년 3월 9일
MeshSize = 0.04;
LensStr = 'osci';
radius = 1;
n = ceil(radius/MeshSize); % radial resolution
[X,F] = CreateDiskMesh([0 0 0], radius, n);
[X,F] = CompactMesh(X,F,1e-9,false);
x = X(:,1);
y = X(:,2);
f = 10; %define modulation frequency
A = .2; % modulation amplitude
theta = atan2(y,x);
Z = A*cos(f*theta);
X(:,3) = Z;
fig = figure();
set(fig, 'Name', LensStr);
ax = axes('Parent',fig);
hold(ax, 'on');
trisurf(F, X(:,1), X(:,2), X(:,3), 'Parent', ax);
axis(ax, 'equal');
function [X,F] = AddMesh(X,F,X1,F1)
F = [F; F1+size(X,1)];
X = [X; X1];
function [X,F] = CreateDiskMesh(xyzc, a, n)
% radius of the inner/outer spherical parts
W = allVL1(3, n); % FEX file
% Connectivity
XY0 = W*[0 sqrt(3)/2 sqrt(3)/2;
0 -0.5 +0.5].' *(1/n);
F0 = delaunay(XY0);
phi = XY0(:,2)./XY0(:,1)*(pi/(2*sqrt(3)));
phi(XY0(:,1)==0) = 0;
r = XY0(:,1)*(2/sqrt(3));
XY0 = r.*[cos(phi),sin(phi)];
XY0 = XY0*a;
xyzc = xyzc(:).';
for k=0:5
theta = k*pi/3;
R = [cos(theta), -sin(theta);
sin(theta), cos(theta)];
XYZ = XY0*R';
XYZ(:,3) = 0;
XYZ = XYZ + xyzc;
Fk = F0;
[X,F] = AddMesh(X, F, XYZ, Fk);
[X,F] = CompactMesh(X,F,1e-9,true);
function [V,F] = CompactMesh(V,F,mergetol,orientface)
if mergetol == 0
[V,I,J] = unique(V, 'rows');
[V,I,J] = uniquetol(V, mergetol, 'DataScale', 1, 'ByRows', true);
F = J(F);
if length(I)<length(J)
remove = F(:,1)==F(:,2) | F(:,2)==F(:,3) | F(:,3)==F(:,1);
F(remove,:) = [];
if orientface
T = permute(reshape(V(F,:),[],3,3),[3 2 1]);
N = cross_dim1(T(:,2,:)-T(:,1,:),T(:,3,:)-T(:,2,:));
N = reshape(N,3,[]);
Nz = N(3,:);
keep = Nz > 0.1*max(Nz(:));
F = F(keep,:);
function v = allVL1(n, L1, L1ops, MaxNbSol)
% All integer permutations with sum criteria
% function v=allVL1(n, L1); OR
% v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt);
% v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt, MaxNbSol);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: target L1 norm
% L1ops: optional string ('==' or '<=' or '<')
% default value is '=='
% MaxNbSol: integer, returns at most MaxNbSol permutations.
% When MaxNbSol is NaN, allVL1 returns the total number of all possible
% permutations, which is useful to check the feasibility before getting
% the permutations.
% v: (m x n) array such as: sum(v,2) == L1,
% (or <= or < depending on L1ops)
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is sorted by sum (L1 norm), then by dictionnary sorting criteria
% class(v) is same as class(L1)
% Algorithm:
% Recursive
% Remark:
% allVL1(n,L1-n)+1 for natural numbers defined as {1,2,...}
% Example:
% This function can be used to generate all orders of all
% multivariable polynomials of degree p in R^n:
% Order = allVL1(n, p)
% Author: Bruno Luong
% Original, 30/nov/2007
% Version 1.1, 30/apr/2008: Add H1 line as suggested by John D'Errico
% 1.2, 17/may/2009: Possibility to get the number of permutations
% alone (set fourth parameter MaxNbSol to NaN)
% 1.3, 16/Sep/2009: Correct bug for number of solution
% 1.4, 18/Dec/2010: + non-recursive engine
% 1.5: 01/Aug/2020: fix bug of AllVL1(1,1) returns wrong result
global MaxCounter;
if nargin<3 || isempty(L1ops)
L1ops = '==';
n = floor(n); % make sure n is integer
if n<1
v = [];
if nargin<4 || isempty(MaxNbSol)
MaxCounter = Inf;
MaxCounter = MaxNbSol;
switch L1ops
case {'==' '='}
if isnan(MaxCounter)
% return the number of solutions
v = nchoosek(n+L1-1,L1); % nchoosek(n+L1-1,n-1)
v = allVL1eq(n, L1);
case '<=' % call allVL1eq for various sum targets
if isnan(MaxCounter)
% return the number of solutions
%v = nchoosek(n+L1,L1)*factorial(n-L1); BUG <- 16/Sep/2009:
v = 0;
for j=0:L1
v = v + nchoosek(n+j-1,j);
% See pascal's 11th identity, the sum doesn't seem to
% simplify to a fix formula
v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1eq(n, j), (0:L1)', ...
'UniformOutput', false));
case '<'
v = allVL1(n, L1-1, '<=', MaxCounter);
error('allVL1: unknown L1ops')
end % allVL1
function v = allVL1eq(n, L1)
global MaxCounter;
n = feval(class(L1),n);
s = n+L1;
sd = double(n)+double(L1);
notoverflowed = double(s)==sd;
if isinf(MaxCounter) && notoverflowed
v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1);
v = allVL1recurs(n, L1);
end % allVL1eq
%% Recursive engine
function v = allVL1recurs(n, L1, head)
% function v=allVL1eq(n, L1);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: desired L1 norm
% head: optional parameter to by concatenate in the first column
% of the output
% if head is not defined
% v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is (dictionnary) sorted
% Algorithm:
% Recursive
global MaxCounter;
if n==1
if Counter < MaxCounter
v = L1;
v = zeros(0,1,class(L1));
else % recursive call
v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1recurs(n-1, L1-j, j), (0:L1)', ...
'UniformOutput', false));
if nargin>=3 % add a head column
v = [head+zeros(size(v,1),1,class(head)) v];
end % allVL1recurs
function res=Counter(newval)
persistent counter;
if nargin>=1
counter = newval;
res = counter;
res = counter;
counter = counter+1;
end % Counter
%% Non-recursive engine
function v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1)
% function v=allVL1eq(n, L1);
% n: length of the vector
% L1: desired L1 norm
% if head is not defined
% v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1
% all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...}
% v contains all (=m) possible combinations
% v is (dictionnary) sorted
% Algorithm:
% NonRecursive
% Chose (n-1) the splitting points of the array [0:(n+L1)]
p = n+L1-1;
if p ~= 1 % bug occurs for allVL1nonrecurs(1,1) since
% nchoosek take 1 vector length and not vector it self
s = nchoosek(1:p,n-1);
if n == 1
s = zeros(1,0);
elseif n == 2
s = 1;
m = size(s,1);
s1 = zeros(m,1,class(L1));
s2 = (n+L1)+s1;
v = diff([s1 s s2],1,2); % m x n
v = v-1;
end % allVL1nonrecurs
function c = cross_dim1(a,b)
% c = cross_dim1(a,b)
% Calculate cross product along the first dimension
% NOTE: auto expansion allowed
c = zeros(max(size(a),size(b)));
c(1,:) = a(2,:).*b(3,:)-a(3,:).*b(2,:);
c(2,:) = a(3,:).*b(1,:)-a(1,:).*b(3,:);
c(3,:) = a(1,:).*b(2,:)-a(2,:).*b(1,:);
end % cross_dim1
  댓글 수: 7
loyyy 2022년 3월 14일
@Bruno Luong, How to fix these codes so that I can have a more systematic data for vertices, edges, and faces?
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2022년 3월 14일
I (we) have no idea what means "more systematic".

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.


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