How do I interpolate to get the y axis values when I sub in the x axis values? My data is like a plot with no function associated to it.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I have a set of data points (an array, column 1 is for x values and column 2 is for y values) and I want to be able to sub in x values (not part of the initial data points) to get the y values based on interpolation of the current data points I have.
For example I have data for x values [1,3,5,6] and these x values map to y values of [2,4,6,8] but I want to be able to input x value 2 and get a y value based on the interpolation.
How can I do interpolation with a vector set of data like:
final_list(:,1) = x axis values
final_list(:,2) = y axis values
The cubic line from the tools is not able to give me a "best fit curve" hence I cannot use the equation as such. Any ideas how I can use interpolation function from matlab or am I looking at the wrong documentation?
Thanks in advance for any help/advise given!
  댓글 수: 2
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2022년 3월 3일
편집: Mathieu NOE 2022년 3월 3일
sorry, your request is a bit unclear to me. Do you want to interpolate, curve fit or ???
seems the cubic polynomial fit is doing a good job so what is the issue ?
maybe a piece of code + a picture of what you want is appropriate
Rachel Ong
Rachel Ong 2022년 3월 3일
편집: Rachel Ong 2022년 3월 4일
Hello, sorry for the unclear explanation.
The current data set I have is a bit long but let me just put it here for easier reference.
The list that I am referring to is final_list_2_5 and I need to use columns 6 and 2. So col6 is the altitude and col2 is for the elevator deflection. From this array, you will be able to see that the col6 does not have all altitudes eg it jumps from 0 to 90 to 181.
I will want to be able to lets say input altitude = 70 and find the associated value for col2 based on the set of array I have based on interpolation.
Attached is the code. So sorry for not explaining it well.
%% Maximum ROC vs V by taking the maximum ROC at each altitude
clear all
% ------ Constants ------ %
m = 1248.5;
g = 9.81;
W = m*g;
S = 17.1;
% ------ Functions to solve for FSOLVE (steady climbing flight) ------ %
% func1 = v' = 1/m *(T-D-mgsin(gamma)) = 0
% func2 = gamma' = 1/mu * (L-mgcos(gamma)) = 0
% func3 = Cm = 0
% ------ FSOLVE variables ------ %
% x(1) = velocity
% x(2) = deltae
% x(3) = gamma
% ------ Altitude range from flight envelope ------ %
hlist_2_5 = linspace(0,9000,100);
hlist_3 = linspace(0,17000,100);
% ------ Array for storing ------ %
% 1: V 2:deltae 3:gamma 4:aoa 5:roc 6. altitude
final_list_2_5 = zeros(length(hlist_2_5),6);
final_list_3 = zeros(length(hlist_3),6);
%% PS = 2.5
for j = 1:length(hlist_2_5)
PS = 2.5
h = hlist_2_5(j)
[rho, speedsound] = atmos(h)
[aoa_start,aoa_end] = aoa_guess(PS)
aoalist = linspace(aoa_start,aoa_end,150);
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc = zeros(length(aoalist),5); % 1: V 2:deltae 3:gamma 4:aoa 5:roc
for i = 1:length(aoalist)
qbar = @(x) 0.5*rho*x(1)^2*S;
CL = @(x) 6.44*aoalist(i) + 0.355*x(2);
L = @(x) CL(x)*qbar(x);
CD = @(x) 0.03 + 0.05*(CL(x))^2;
D = @(x) CD(x)*qbar(x);
Cm = @(x) 0.05 - 0.683*aoalist(i) - 0.923*x(2);
T = @(x) PS *( (7+x(1)/speedsound)*200/3 + h/1000*(2*x(1)/speedsound -11));
f1 = @(x) (1/m)*(T(x)-D(x)-m*g*sin(x(3)));
f2 = @(x) (1/(m*x(1)))*(L(x)-m*g*cos(x(3)));
f3 = @(x) Cm(x);
func = @(x) [f1(x);f2(x);f3(x)];
x = fsolve(@(x) func(x), [40 0 0])
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(i,1) = x(1); % V
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(i,2) = x(2); % delta e
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(i,3) = x(3); % gamma
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(i,4) = aoalist(i); % aoa
thrust = PS * ( 200/3*(7 + x(1)/speedsound) + h/1000*(2*x(1)/speedsound - 11) );
liftcoeff = 6.44*aoalist(i) + 0.355*x(2);
drag = 0.5*rho*x(1)^2*S*(0.03 + 0.05*liftcoeff^2);
ROC = (thrust-drag)*x(1)/W;
store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(i,5)= ROC; % ROC
[max_roc, index] = max(store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(:,5));
final_list_2_5(j,5) = max_roc; % ROC
final_list_2_5(j,1) = store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(index,1); % V
final_list_2_5(j,2) = store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(index,2); % deltae
final_list_2_5(j,3) = store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(index,3); % gamma
final_list_2_5(j,4) = store_v_de_gam_aoa_roc(index,4) % aoa
final_list_2_5(j,6) = hlist_2_5(j) % h
% ------ Plotting graph ------ %
figure % Elevator deflection vs altitude for PS = 2.5
ylabel('Elevator Deflection')
title('Elevator settings for each altitude at Power setting = 2.5')
legend('PS = 2.5')
%% Atmos function
% Calculating T, p ,rho and speedsound for every altitude in the ISA atmosphere
function [rho, speedsound] = atmos(h)
h1 = 11000; % Height of tropopause
h2 = 20000; % End height of table
g = 9.81;
R = 287;
c = 6.51e-3; % temperature lapse dt/dh = - c = -6.51 degcelcius/km
T0 = 15+273.15; % Temperature sea level
p0 = 101325; % pressure sealevel
rho0 = 101325/R/T0; % density sealevel = pressure / R*T, R=287, T = 15 degcelcius
T1 = T0 - c*h1; % Temperature at 11km
p1 = p0 * (T1/T0)^5.2506; % Pressure at 11km
rho1 = rho0 * (T1/T0)^4.2506; % Density at 11km
T2 = T1; % Temperature at 20km
p2 = p1 * exp(-g/(R*T2)*(h2-h1)); % Pressure at 20km
rho2 = rho1 * exp(-g/(R*T2)*(h2-h1)); % Density at 20km
if h <= h1
% disp('Troposphere');
T = T0 - c*h;
p = p0 * (T/T0)^5.2506;
rho = rho0 * (T/T0)^4.2506;
speedsound = (1.4*R*T)^0.5;
elseif h <= h2
% disp('Tropopause');
T = T1;
p = p1 * exp(-g/(R*T)*(h-h1));
rho = rho1 * exp(-g/(R*T)*(h-h1));
speedsound = (1.4*R*T)^0.5;
%% AOA guess function
% To guess the range of AOA at each altitude
function [aoa_start,aoa_end] = aoa_guess(PS)
h = 0;
W = 1248.5*9.81; % Weight of UAV
S = 17.1; % Wing area
% CL = (6.44*aoa + 0.355*eledefl);
% CD = (0.03 + 0.05*(6.44*aoa + 0.355*eledefl)^2);
% Cm = (0.05 - 0.683*aoa - 0.923*eledefl);
% thrust = (PS * ( (7 + V/speedsound )*200/3 + h*(2*(V/speedsound) - 11) ));
% V = x(1);
% aoa = x(2);
% eledefl = x(3);
[rho, speedsound] = atmos(h)
qbar = @(x) 0.5*rho*x(1)^2*S
CL = @(x) (6.44*x(2) + 0.355*x(3));
CD = @(x) (0.03 + 0.05*(CL(x))^2);
Cm = @(x) 0.05 - 0.683*x(2) - 0.923*x(3)
thrust = @(x) ( PS * ( 200/3*( 7 + x(1)/speedsound ) + h/1000*( 2*x(1)/speedsound - 11) ) );
func_1 = @(x) qbar(x)*CL(x) + thrust(x)*sin(x(2)) - W;
func_2 = @(x) qbar(x)*CD(x) - thrust(x)*cos(x(2));
func_3 = @(x) Cm(x)
FUNC = @(x) [func_1(x); func_2(x); func_3(x)];
% ------ Guess --> Range of AOA ------ %
Xlow = fsolve(@(x) FUNC(x), [10 0 -30/180*pi]) % high AOA
aoa_end = Xlow(1,2)
Xhigh = fsolve(@(x) FUNC(x), [100 25/180*pi -30/180*pi]) % low AOA
aoa_start = Xhigh(1,2)

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채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 3월 3일
After first creating ‘FinalList’ as a table and writing it to a file:
FinalList = array2table(final_list_2_5, 'VariableNames',{'ROC','V','Delta_e','Gamma','AOA','H'});
pth = pwd;
writetable(FinalList, fullfile(pwd,sprintf('FinalList PS=%.1f.txt',PS)))
fprintf('\nTable written to: %s\n',fullfile(pwd,sprintf('FinalList PS=%.1f.txt',PS)))
Try this —
FinalList = readtable('FinalList PS=2.5.txt');
% ------ Plotting graph ------ %
figure % Elevator deflection vs altitude for PS = 2.5
hold on
Alt = [70, 1111, 4225, 6789, 8030];
ElevDefl = @(Alt) interp1(FinalList{:,6}, FinalList{:,2}, Alt); % Interpolate
plot(Alt, ElevDefl(Alt), 'sr')
hold off
ylabel('Elevator Deflection')
title('Elevator settings for each altitude at Power setting = 2.5')
legend('PS = 2.5')
  댓글 수: 4
Rachel Ong
Rachel Ong 2022년 3월 4일
Seems like my data has errors. I'll look at it again but thank you for teaching me how to do the interpolation with the data as well as importing it into a text file. Really appreciate! :)

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