app designer painting circles and arrows

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
fima v
fima v 2022년 2월 4일
댓글: Rik 2022년 2월 4일
Hello, i am trying to build an app with lots of fields. but i want to circle some of them.
and put arrows between fields,
is there a way to do it?
i could not find an option like this in app builder
  댓글 수: 7
fima v
fima v 2022년 2월 4일
hello rik axes is a 2D plot based on vectors
how can i use my mouse to paint on it?
Rik 2022년 2월 4일
axes is a general purpose container. If you use imshow that will also end up in an axes object. So if you can't get the result you want with the tools Matlab allows, you can use paint to create an image and use that as a background.

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