Asynchronous generator with squirrel cage starts with 158 rotor speed even with no voltage connected.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
I'm trying to create a wind turbine model and as input i need rotor speed of Asynchronous generator, but instead of starting at 0 it starts at 158 with no voltage connected or any input values. Can i change that somehow?

답변 (1개)

Hari 2023년 12월 27일
편집: Hari 2023년 12월 27일
Hi Witold Kos,
I understand that you are modeling a wind turbine with an asynchronous generator and encountering an issue where the rotor speed initializes at 158 rpm instead of 0, despite no voltage being applied. You're looking for a way to adjust the initial rotor speed in your model.
To address the issue, it's important to check the initialization settings of your model. Ensure that the initial conditions for the rotor speed in the generator block are set correctly. If you are using a MATLAB script or function, you should initialize the rotor speed variable to 0 before starting the simulation.
Here's a generic example of how you might set the initial rotor speed in MATLAB and set this in the InitFcn of Simulink:
% Define initial rotor speed (in rpm)
initial_rotor_speed = 0;
% Set up the simulation parameters, including the initial rotor speed
sim_params = struct('RotorSpeed', initial_rotor_speed);
% Start the simulation with the specified parameters
% (This part is dependent on how your wind turbine model is implemented)
% For example, if using a MATLAB function to simulate:
result = simulate_wind_turbine(sim_params);
Make sure that your simulation function or model uses the "initial_rotor_speed" variable as the starting condition for the rotor speed.
For more information on setting initial conditions in Simulink using InitFcn refer the documentation:
Hope this helps!


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