Hello all,
I am trying to solve a system of linear equations A*x=B on the GPU. Example code:
B = zeros(80, 1, l_z, 'gpuArray');
A = randn(80,80,l_z, 'gpuArray') + 1i* randn(80,80,l_z, 'gpuArray');
x = pagefun(@mldivide, A, B);
Which causes Matlab to throw the following error:
Error using gpuArray/pagefun
Call to zgetrsBatched in CUBLAS failed with error status: CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR.
Error in problem_GPU (line 7)
x = pagefun(@mldivide, A, B);
Since this error is somewhat cryptic, I tried several (random) things and was able to narrow it down a bit. The error occcurs only if l_z is greater than 682. That threshold stays the same even when I change the dimensions of A and B from 80 to 100, or when I make B a square matrix. Also, it makes no difference if A is complex or not.
I have absolutely no idea what the problem could be here and would be grateful for some help.
I am running Matlab R2021a with the latest updates and also updated my graphics driver.
CUDADevice with properties:
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
AvailableMemory: 4.3240e+09
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1