How do you extract diagonal elements of a cell array?

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
LL 2022년 1월 14일
댓글: LL 2022년 1월 14일
[9;9;9;9;1;1;2;2] [9;2;1;1;2;1;9;9] [9;2;1;1;2;1;9;9]
[9;9;9;9;1;1;2;2] [9;2;1;1;2;1;9;9] [9;2;1;1;2;1;9;9]
0 [2;1;9;2;9;9;9;9] [2;1;9;2;9;9;9;9]
Hi, need help:
i have a cell array like this one, and i need to extract only the elements on the diagonal how can i do?
Please advise Thanks!

채택된 답변

Max Heimann
Max Heimann 2022년 1월 14일
편집: Max Heimann 2022년 1월 14일
Assuming your matrix "data" is equal in x and y dimension:
[y,x] = size(data)
selected_values = data([1:y+1:x*y])
Alternatively you could try creating an index matrix with the "eye" command and then use that to select your values from the matrix.

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