how to run an already written code?

조회 수: 23 (최근 30일)
Houda 2014년 11월 13일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 13일
I am not skilled in using matlab, I am PhD and I asked a code from an author he sent it to me , but I do not know how to run it and to try to find the results in his paper??
  댓글 수: 7
benjamin chan
benjamin chan 2020년 3월 3일
편집: Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 13일
I am having this problem as well. The following weblink ( ) and the file shared does not seem to work. The user manual explicitly states "The VINPFN program is launched by the vinpfn command with no input arrangements." However, when I open the code and run it, I receive error messages that don't make much sense.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 13일
That File Exchange contribution requires the inputsdlg File Exchange Contribution.
As well, it needs a repair to inputsdlg: approximately line 1896 needs to be
if ~all(cellfun(@(v)isscalar(v)&&(islogical(v)||isnumeric(v)),vals))
just before
err = {'inputsdlg:InvalidInput','Default logical data must be of logical or numeric scalar.'};

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채택된 답변

MA 2014년 11월 13일
open your matlab program then click on open file icon on the top of program, it open new window for you then choose yor m-file from unzip td, in the new window click run icon that show with the green play picture on top of window and see your result
  댓글 수: 7
Houda 2014년 11월 13일
It is a code about disaggregation, I want to use the commonly used method to disaggregate Tunisian data. Yes I think that I must read under scrutiny the written code and find the error source. Thanks for the help Adam, M.A and Guillaume (this my e-mail:
MA 2014년 11월 13일
Temporal disaggregation using low-pass filtering

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추가 답변 (1개)

Siam 2014년 11월 13일
You do not have to unzip and save that to MATLAB folder. Unzip the file where you want to unzip. Can be anywhere in your computer. After extraction open the folder and click on your .m file. MATLAB will open automatically. Hit run and it will execute unless there is an error with the code.
  댓글 수: 2
Houda 2014년 11월 13일
thanks Siam, really I worried the question about the folder location. is there a simple documents other the user guides or websites to understand programming on matlab??
Siam 2014년 11월 13일
you can use > help < in your MATLAB command window as well.

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