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how can we increase a value until we get answer

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
arian hoseini
arian hoseini 2021년 12월 28일
댓글: DGM 2021년 12월 29일
clear all
% -------------------------------------data input-----------------------------------
alpha = [510; 310; 78; 120; 350; 490; 53; 150; 170; 149];
beta = [7.20; 7.85; 7.98; 7.10; 7.30; 6.90; 8.01; 7.30; 7.42; 7.16];
gamma = [0.00142; 0.00194; 0.00482; 0.00321; 0.00210; 0.00178; 0.00212; 0.00350; 0.00267; 0.00390];
delta = [0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001];
% Pmin =[150; 100; 50; 50; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100; 100];
% Pmax =[600; 400; 200; 200; 350; 500; 300; 300; 300; 300];
n = 10;
Pr = 2500;
L = 8.6;
%--------------------------------------Program start here--------------------------------
while eps >= 0.001
L =
syms P
% P = sym('P');
% L = sym('L');
F = sym('F');
Lambda = sym('Lambda');
% n = length(alpha);
for i = 1:n
F(i) = alpha(i) + beta(i).*P + gamma(i).*P.^2 + delta(i).*P.^3;
Lambda = diff(F(i),P) - L == 0;
S = solve(Lambda, P);
S1 = max(S)
% disp(S1)
X(i) = S1
% W = vpa(X(i),6)
Pt = sum(X)
eps = 2500 - double(Pt)
i want to increase L until i get eps >=0.01
for example i wanna increase L 0.01.....l=8.01,8.02,8.03
  댓글 수: 1
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 12월 28일
eps is a built-in function that gives the smallest number that can be represented. It's value depends on the value of the variable. Like eps around 2 is different than eps around 10^30. That is why eps() can take a input number.
You should not use eps as the name of your own custom variable because it is a built-in function.

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채택된 답변

DGM 2021년 12월 28일
편집: DGM 2021년 12월 28일
This can be simplified, but let's start with the given approach.
format long
alpha = [510; 310; 78; 120; 350; 490; 53; 150; 170; 149];
beta = [7.20; 7.85; 7.98; 7.10; 7.30; 6.90; 8.01; 7.30; 7.42; 7.16];
gamma = [0.00142; 0.00194; 0.00482; 0.00321; 0.00210; 0.00178; 0.00212; 0.00350; 0.00267; 0.00390];
delta = [0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001];
n = 10;
Pr = 2500;
L = 8.6;
dL = 0.01;
maxep = 0.001;
syms P
F = sym('F',[1 n]);
X = sym('X',[1 n]);
ep = 1; % eps() is a built-in function; avoid overloading it
while ep >= maxep
for k = 1:n
F(k) = alpha(k) + beta(k).*P + gamma(k).*P.^2 + delta(k).*P.^3;
Lambda = diff(F(k),P) - L == 0;
S = solve(Lambda, P);
X(k) = max(S);
Pt = sum(X);
ep = 2500 - double(Pt)
L = L+dL;
ep =
ep =
ep =
ep =
ep =
ep =
ep =
I doubt that negative eps is intended, so if not, you'll have to adjust the step size accordingly. Also, it should suffice to solve for P first instead of doing it every time. The following is an example of both.
% note that the solution doesn't depend on alpha
beta = [7.20; 7.85; 7.98; 7.10; 7.30; 6.90; 8.01; 7.30; 7.42; 7.16];
gamma = [0.00142; 0.00194; 0.00482; 0.00321; 0.00210; 0.00178; 0.00212; 0.00350; 0.00267; 0.00390];
delta = [0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001];
n = 10;
Pr = 2500;
L = 8.6;
dL = 0.01;
maxep = 0.001;
ep = 1; % eps() is a built-in function; avoid overloading it
while ep >= maxep
X1 = (sqrt(gamma.^2 + 3*L*delta - 3*beta.*delta) - gamma)./(3*delta);
X2 = -(sqrt(gamma.^2 + 3*L*delta - 3*beta.*delta) + gamma)./(3*delta);
ep = 2500 - double(sum(max(X1,X2)));
if ep < 0
L = L-dL;
dL = dL/2;
L = L+dL;
ep = 1; % reset to dummy value
elseif ep > maxep
L = L+dL;
disp([dL L ep])
1.0e+02 * 0.000100000000000 0.086100000000000 1.025620698183266 0.010000000000000 8.619999999999999 83.166759617837670 0.010000000000000 8.629999999999999 63.781164518971764 0.010000000000000 8.639999999999999 44.405265975432485 0.010000000000000 8.649999999999999 25.039045507278843 0.010000000000000 8.659999999999998 5.682484700587793 0.005000000000000 8.654999999999999 1.000000000000000 0.002500000000000 8.652499999999998 1.000000000000000 0.002500000000000 8.654999999999998 0.844851669389300 0.001250000000000 8.653749999999999 1.000000000000000 0.000625000000000 8.653124999999998 1.000000000000000 0.000312500000000 8.652812499999998 1.000000000000000 0.000312500000000 8.653124999999998 0.240189895270305 0.000156250000000 8.652968749999998 1.000000000000000 0.000078125000000 8.652890624999998 1.000000000000000 0.000078125000000 8.652968749999998 0.089025922124165 0.000039062500000 8.652929687499999 1.000000000000000 0.000039062500000 8.652968749999999 0.013444156101286 0.000019531250000 8.652949218749999 1.000000000000000 0.000009765625000 8.652939453124999 1.000000000000000 0.000004882812500 8.652934570312498 1.000000000000000 0.000004882812500 8.652939453124997 0.003996445692792 0.000002441406250 8.652937011718748 1.000000000000000 0.000001220703125 8.652935791015622 1.000000000000000 0.000001220703125 8.652937011718747 0.001634518447190 0.000000610351563 8.652936401367185 1.000000000000000 0.000000610351563 8.652936401367185 0.000453554875094
This can be simplified further using the available numerical solvers.
% note that the solution doesn't depend on alpha
beta = [7.20; 7.85; 7.98; 7.10; 7.30; 6.90; 8.01; 7.30; 7.42; 7.16];
gamma = [0.00142; 0.00194; 0.00482; 0.00321; 0.00210; 0.00178; 0.00212; 0.00350; 0.00267; 0.00390];
delta = [0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001; 0.0000002; 0.0000003; 0.0000001];
n = 10;
Pr = 2500;
L = 8.6;
eptarget = 0.0005; % some specific value instead of a maximum
Ltarget = fzero(@(L) findep(beta,gamma,delta,L)-eptarget,L) % find L
Ltarget =
findep(beta,gamma,delta,Ltarget) % test L
ans =
function ep = findep(beta,gamma,delta,L)
X1 = (sqrt(gamma.^2 + 3*L*delta - 3*beta.*delta) - gamma)./(3*delta);
X2 = -(sqrt(gamma.^2 + 3*L*delta - 3*beta.*delta) + gamma)./(3*delta);
ep = 2500 - double(sum(max(X1,X2)));
  댓글 수: 4
arian hoseini
arian hoseini 2021년 12월 29일
thank u everyone
DGM 2021년 12월 29일
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