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Why "addStyle" doesn't work for uiTree?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg 2021년 12월 24일
댓글: Mark Golberg 2021년 12월 27일
I have MATLAB 2020b. Try to test the code in the "addStyle" help page (the one for uiTree):
I get the following error:
why is that? does it require a particular Toolbox or something like that?
Thank You!

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Shanmukha Voggu
Shanmukha Voggu 2021년 12월 27일
편집: Shanmukha Voggu 2021년 12월 27일
Hi Mark,
The addStyle works for only table UI component before R2021b (So it is giving error while using tree UI component in R2020b)
In R2021b, The addStyle Function can also add styles to nodes and levels in a tree UI component
Finally, In order to resolve the error upgrade the MATLAB version to R2021b
R2021b Documentation:
Release Notes:
  댓글 수: 1
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg 2021년 12월 27일
thank you for the reply. too bad it's not explicitly written on the addStyle help page.
Other than version upgrade, is there any other alternative for me to format my uiTree nodes?
I simply would like to change it's color (font and/or background, doesn't matter to me).
Any propery I could use for that?

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