Grid search and grid plot with colours

조회 수: 8 (최근 30일)
Anitha Limann
Anitha Limann 2021년 12월 18일
댓글: Anitha Limann 2021년 12월 20일
I would like to do a grid search by assining zeros to each grid point first. And then I would like to calculate required values for each grid point and finally I am required to plot the grid with relevant values. here my grid represent error values for each grid point. So I want to plot this grid using some colour scheme method.
Attached here is the type of graph I am looking for.
Could someone please help me with this?
Below is the code I wrote for this. However I am not sure how much of assigning zeros, for loop and then plotting is correct.
I tried to use plot and quiver fuctions but different length x and y axis appeared to be an error in that case. For now i used surf function, though i am not sure if that is correct. But it gives me a z axis too, which is not what i want.
Please let me know if someone could help me with this.
% Obserevd Z location km/Myr ## 176.7 W, 19.2 S, 64 mm/yr (km/Myr) velocity;
R=6371; %km
% evaluate error at each grid point
AClon =-177.5:0.01:-176.7;
AClat =-20.5:0.01:-19;
for i=[1:151]
for j=[1:81]
arclen = distance(Zlon,Zlat,AClon(j),AClat(i)); % arc distant between 1.Z location and 2.each grid point.
w =(Zobsw/(R*sin(theta*pi/180)))*180/pi; % deg/Myr
vl = plate_vel(Zlon,Zlat,AClon(j),AClat(i),w); % i found this plate-vel funtion online. please use any set of data as an example here.
  댓글 수: 18
Voss 2021년 12월 20일
No problem! Don't hesitate to ask another question if you suspect your calculations are off.
Anitha Limann
Anitha Limann 2021년 12월 20일
Sure will do. Thank you!

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채택된 답변

Voss 2021년 12월 19일
set(gca(),'View',[0 90]);

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