Graphs not matching, please help
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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I am trying to make a graph with a function.
This is my graph
I need it to look like this graph
Here is my function
function [turbinePower] = windTurbineModel(windSpeed,deltaT,cD,k)
cTau = 0.042;
vRated = 11.5;
vCutin = 3;
vCutout = 25;
D = 171;
J = 100e5;
time = 0:deltaT:300;
%wind and rotational variables
rotationalSpeeds = zeros(length(windSpeed),1);
rotorTorque = zeros(length(windSpeed),1);
generatorTorque = zeros(length(windSpeed),1);
turbinePower = zeros(length(windSpeed),1);
rotorAcc = zeros(length(windSpeed),1);
for i = 2:length(time)
rotorTorque(i) = windTurbineRotorModel(windSpeed(i),cTau,D,vCutin,vCutout,vRated);
generatorTorque(i) = k*((rotationalSpeeds(i-1))^2);
rotorAcc(i) = (rotorTorque(i)-generatorTorque(i)-cD*rotationalSpeeds(i))/J;
rotationalSpeeds(i) = rotationalSpeeds(i-1) + deltaT*(rotorAcc(i))./J;
turbinePower(i) = generatorTorque(i)*rotationalSpeeds(i);
and here is my graph code
close all
Cd = 1.5*10.^(1:1:8);
deltaT = 0.01;
time = 0:deltaT:300;
turbinePowerMean = zeros(length(Cd),length(k));
turbinePowerStd = zeros(length(Cd),length(k));
%------------------Do not edit these lines---------------------------------
windTimeSeries = wblrnd(13,2.10,size(time'));
windTimeSeries = medfilt1(windTimeSeries,50,'truncate');
for i = 1:length(k)
for ii = 1:length(Cd)
turbinePower = (windTurbineModel(windTimeSeries,deltaT,Cd(ii),k(i)));
turbinePowerMean(ii,i) = mean(turbinePower);
turbinePowerStd(ii,i) = std(turbinePower);
h1 = heatmap(k,Cd,turbinePowerMean/7e6);
title("Mean Power Output for varying k and C_d");
ylabel("Damping coeff kg m^3 s^-^1");
xlabel("Generator control Gain, k");
댓글 수: 0
답변 (1개)
2021년 12월 10일
Not sure I understand what you need.
To make your figure as close as the target, you can try to:
- add titles and axis labels for subplots 2 and 3
- set the background of the figure to white [set(gcf, 'color', 'white');]
- resize the figure vertically
If you are talking about the colour of the boxes, then you need to verify your data and make sure they are the same for both figures.
댓글 수: 0
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