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unexpected xlim behavior - where is the documentation/code for how xlim gets updated

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Is the way that the xlim property of an axes changes documented? I have some code that waits a bit - via a timer - after a series of axes manipulations are done, before finally updating a plot (see pseudocode below). I found however that if I wait to replot after zooming out, the algorithm decides that my data doesn't encompass the wide range that I zoomed out to, and then shrinks the xlim values accordingly.
In other words, let's say the original data spans from 0 to 100. Then I zoom from 30 to 60. When plotting for xlim = [30 60], I only plot data from 30 to 60. Then I zoom back out to 0 to 100 via a zoom reset (mouse double click). A timer is started in the xlim change callback. If the change is stable, then I'll replot things from 0 to 100. However, if another xlim change occurs, perhaps from quick zooming or panning, then I hold off on rerendering until all the input stops, at which point I use the latest xlim value.
This is the rough pseudocode:
xlim_changed_callback: %Responding to xlim postset listener for axes
However, by waiting to plot, the xlim algorithm appears to check the resulting data span (somehow) and determines that the data doesn't encompass the region of 0 to 100, and changes its value again, so that it fits the data (which has yet to be updated). Thus the latest xlim value that I have to work with is close to being back to 30 to 60, even though at one point the value was changed to the proper value of 0 to 100.
Issue 2: As a workaround I quickly plot a temporary line on every callback that spans the xlim range, so that the algorithm doesn't decide to change the xlim value. When the timer actually executes, I then replot the lines with valid data.
However, this causes a slight adjustment of the xlim values. In the example above, my xlim value of [0 100] will change to [0.000001 100]. What is causing this? Can I prevent this from happening? My current workaround is to check for this "small" change and to ignore setting the new timer if this occurs.
Any incite into this whole process or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Jim

답변 (1개)

Adam 2014년 10월 23일
편집: Adam 2014년 10월 23일
Try setting:
hAxes.XLimMode = 'manual';
for an axes handle object hAxes. This should stop any automated changing of the x limits and leave it entirely up to you to set them.
Obviously you can switch between this and 'auto' for occasions where you do want the limits to be calculated for you (e.g. when you first plot).
I'm not sure if this will solve your second issue or not, but I would hope that eliminating auto xlim changes should stop behaviour like that also.
  댓글 수: 5
Adam 2014년 10월 24일
This blog post may help:
I was looking for something similar a few months ago, needing to know whether an axes had been zoomed or not in order to retain settings on changing the plot. This worked great for me in R2014a, but the particular implementation I used broke for me in R2014b (always a danger with undocumented functionality) and I couldn't work out how to fix it easily.
The general concept still works, just one part of it in my implementation that didn't (related to an initial zoom reset that happened in my GUI's OpeningFcn - used to work in R2014a, but doesn't in R2014b).
Jim Hokanson
Jim Hokanson 2014년 10월 24일
Thanks. I tried using the 'matlab_graphics_resetplotview' property, but it can change for reasons that are unclear to me, thus the request for documentation. I'll probably end up contacting tech support directly as to why the value might change.

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