differential equations system to be solved on matlab code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Danny Farah
Danny Farah 2021년 11월 29일
답변: HWIK 2021년 11월 29일
how do i solved these set of differential equantions on matlab what is the code ? attached below is the image of the qeuations

답변 (1개)

HWIK 2021년 11월 29일
This code should work, but you must specify your initial conditions. You might want to look into other ode solvers, as with these specs the output looks pretty stiff.
%%%%%%%% Specify your volume and initial conditions!%%%%%%%%%%%
Vspan = [0 200];
Initial_conditions = [2, 1, 0]; %In the order of Fa0, Fb0 & Fc0
[t, y] = ode45(@your_ode_solver_fcn,Vspan,Initial_conditions);
function out = your_ode_solver_fcn(t,in)
%Specify the input:
Fa = in(1);
Fb = in(2);
Fc = in(3);
%Define your relationships
Kc = 0.01;
Ft = Fa+ Fb+ Fc;
Co = 1;
K = 10;
Kb = 40;
ra = - (K*Co/Ft)* (Fa-Co^2*Fb*Fc^2/ (Kc*Ft^2));
Ka = 1;
Ra = Ka*Co*Fa/Ft;
Rb = Kb*Co*Fb/Ft;
%Specify the output
dFa = ra-Ra;
dFb = -ra-Rb;
dFc = -2*ra;
out = [dFa; dFb; dFc];


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