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Remove ToC From MATLAB Report Generator tool & Generalize

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque 2021년 11월 22일
Hi community,
I was trying to generate PDF report using Report Generator.
I was using Custom Title Page stylesheet
The first two page of my report contains Table of Contents and List of table, which i do not need.
in order to remove these two pages i made changes in the rptstylesheets.xml of the MATLAB.
After making changes here now i am not generating Table of contents and list of tables, My PDF directly starts from my content
but the worry here is,
i have made changes to rptstylesheets.xml , hence these changes are only applicable in my system and for this particular MATLAB version.
How do i make it more generic ? How to make these changes show up in my colleagues system who will use my report generatore code ?

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