Graphical method of finding roots g(x) = h(x) ?
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
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Hy, I wonder how to get this plot in Matlab /this is the Graphical method of finding roots in my book for numeric methods, first step in bisection method/
I tried to plot out same graph but didnt get the same.
x = -100:.1:100;
g = inline('x + 1');
h = inline('x.^3');
y1 = g(x);
x1 = h(x);
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Mike Garrity
2014년 10월 17일
The plot command you have is plotting 'x+1' against 'x^3'. I think that what you want is something more like this:
hold on
That's plotting each of them against x in turn.
You'll need some additional touches like setting the XLim and YLim and adding labels and things.
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