Need help with my code I have I don't know how to label the columns on it and change "table" to another function like disp(), display(), and fprintf() instead.

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
fprintf('HW #6 - Evan Melanson \n\n');
fprintf('Problem 1 \n\n');
fprintf('degree Celsius and Fahrenheit table\n');
%this is what i have so far whatever you can do to make it work with the
%titles on the columns and ether disp(), display(), and fprintf() instead
%works for me

답변 (1개)

Yusuf Suer Erdem
Yusuf Suer Erdem 2021년 11월 18일
fprintf('HW #6 - Evan Melanson \n\n');
fprintf('Problem 1 \n\n');
fprintf('degree Celsius and Fahrenheit table\n');
I changed your codes into this format, i hope it is what you wanted. I did not perceive the part "change table to another function". Good luck!
  댓글 수: 1
evan melanson
evan melanson 2021년 11월 18일
Thank you for your work but i am looking to make a table and not a graph. sorry! this is my instrustions bellow
(30 pts) Table Only. Work problem 15.4 in the textbook. Additional requirements:
Write a MATLAB program (script or .m file).
Begin with the block of comments as described above. Add other comments throughout the program.
Use a range variable to assign the values in degrees C to a vector.
Use a formula on the vector above to create another vector in degrees F.
Combine the transpose of the two vectors to create a new vector (table).
Display the problem number and your name before displaying the table.
Display the table and include a table heading (with units).
No special formatting is required for this problem.
Print the script and the output table.
Extra credit: Use fprintf to use 3 digits after the decimal point for the values in degrees C and to use 2
digits after the decimal point for the values in degrees F.

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