Create different outline colors for different times
조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
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Hello, i have written following code, which creates an Image of outlines of some photos i took for my project,
The question ist , can i insert a time variable to insert the colour of the outlines depending on time? Thanks for the answer guys!
for i=3:7:69;
pic050=im2gray( imread(i+".tiff") );
level = graythresh(newpicture);
level = 0.1405;
newbinpic = imbinarize(newpicture,level);
% imshowpair(newbinpic2,newpicture,'montage');
boundariesi = bwboundaries(newbinpic2);
boundaries=[boundaries; boundariesi];
binaryImage = 0.6< newbinpic2 & newbinpic2<1;
% figure; imshow(pic01);
hold on
for k=1:length(boundaries)
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
x = thisBoundary(:,2);
y = thisBoundary(:,1);
grid off
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채택된 답변
Joseph Cheng
2021년 11월 9일
you can generate a color scale by using the different types of colors like hsv, jet, bone, gray, etc. then depending on the time sements or whatever your desire of colors are you can then get that color. see example of each time step has a different color:
t = 0:.1:1; %setup time
clors= hsv(numel(t)); %create a color map of different color for each time
figure(1),clf,hold on
for ind =1:numel(t)
plot(t,t(ind)*t,'Color',clors(ind,:)); %dummy plot to show that each plotted line changes color
hold off
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