Is it possible to generate code for cloud computing platforms (i.e. Azure, AWS)?

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Victor Maciel
Victor Maciel 2021년 11월 9일
답변: Meet 2025년 1월 8일 5:41
I would like to generate code from a Simulink model in a cloud computing platform. Is it possible?
Other option: is it possible to convert the generated C code from Simulink in other language (i.e. Python, Julia, R)?

답변 (1개)

Meet 2025년 1월 8일 5:41
Hi Victor,
Yes, you can generate code from a Simulink model on a cloud computing platform.
For more information on running MATLAB/Simulink in the cloud, check out these resources.
I did not find any tools to convert generated C code from Simulink to other languages, you could contact MathWorks Technical Support team for more information on this.
I hope this helps!!


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