How to index into a table with more than 1 variable?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
MKM 2021년 11월 5일
댓글: MKM 2021년 11월 5일
The current problem i have is trying to index into a table using more than 1 variable. I want to be able to show all rows that have "mark" and "paul" in the name column. Here is an example of what i am trying to do:
table = 20x4 (various data here col 4 = to
a = {'mark', 'paul'};
idx = table(strcmp(, a), :);
I just receieve and errors that says - "Row index exceeds table dimensions."
This method works if i only use one name in the a paramater. Not sure why it wont for more than one.

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Stephen23 2021년 11월 5일
편집: Stephen23 2021년 11월 5일
Where T is your table (do NOT use table as a variable name):
out = T(ismember(,a),:);
  댓글 수: 1
MKM 2021년 11월 5일
cheers, Stephen. Why does this work and the function i used not?

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