Making a 3D Plot with a Transparent Background for Importing into Adobe Illustrator

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
I wish to make a 3D surface plot using the mesh function and have the background completely transparent, i.e.: no default white-background box. I then kill the grid, box, and axis (e.g. axis off, etc.), and then wish to make the background transparent so type:
set(gca, 'color', 'none')
This above set command does indeed kill the background default white color and makes the background transparent (or seemingly so) until I save the figure as an .eps file and open it in Adobe Illustrator, where there is still this pesky white background! Also, I notice, whenever I save a file after selecting 'none' for the color, the white background momentarily appears and then immediately goes away just after saving, almost like a camera flash. Is there some nutty default save feature in MATLAB that automatically saves a figure with a white background despite the previous changes you've made?
If anyone is familiar with this problem, I would be most appreciative. I have used the export_fig function but it saves the figure just as it appears on the screen, with the off-whitish-gray background. I really need a transparent figure to open in Adobe Illustrator, where there is no colored background whatsoever, only the figure.
Much oblige to anyone knowledgeable in how to resolve this annoying problem.
Best, Charlie

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 9월 13일
saveas() and print() can only save figures, not axes. export_fig saves axes by copying them to a new figure and saving that figure, which leads back to the primary problem that it is really figures that get saved and not axes.
Beyond that, export_fig does claim to be able to create transparent backgrounds for .eps files. The summary for it says,
For transparent background (and semi-transparent patch objects), set the figure (and axes) 'Color' property to 'none'; pdf, eps and png are the only file formats to support a transparent background
If you tried that and the result does not give you a transparent background, then probably Oliver would be interested in the situation.


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