Block for toolbox

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
cyberdyne 2011년 9월 3일
Is there a way to run a m.file script made by toolbox in Simulink? I use robotics toolbox and I need to plot in simulink homemade robots created by rt syntax.
For example in m.file you can create a robot with D-H parameters:
Li=link([alphai ai thetai di sigmai]); %where "i" is for i-esim link
and after writing....
rob=robot({Li}); %it creates the robot with your parameters
and for plotting:
plot(rob, Q); %where Q is joint variable vector
How can I create a personal structure in simulink?
  댓글 수: 1
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011년 9월 3일
Fcn block

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채택된 답변

Randy Souza
Randy Souza 2012년 9월 17일
Try using Fcn block (originally answered in a comment by Fangjun)

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