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I am on an AUVSI Competition Team, how do I ask questions and find answers on MATLAB Answers?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
How to ask questions on MATLAB Answers for AUVSI Competitions
  1. Navigate to: MATLAB Answers
  2. Click the “Ask a Question” button:
3. Fill out the form. Insert the tag corresponding to your competition. If you are working on SUAS, use the tag “suas” instead of “roboboat” as shown in the following image:
How to find answers on MATLAB Answers for AUVSI Competitions
  1. Navigate to: MATLAB Answers
  2. Search using the tag corresponding to your competition. The following image searches for all articles corresponding to the tag "robot". If you are working on RoboBoat, use the tag “roboboat” instead of “robot”:
Here are the list of tags for the AUVSI Foundation competitions:

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