Idempotents of matrix in matlab

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Mohsen 2014년 8월 10일
답변: Emanuel Rosas 2021년 4월 4일
I have code for a transmission line:
for k=1:Ns
% Function to calculate Idempotents of Y*Z
[Hk] = HkIdem(ZL(:,:,k),YL(:,:,k),lenght,f(k), md,Hm(k,:));
HkIdem(:,:,:,k) = Hk;
but the matlab error is :
Undefined function or method 'HkIdem' for input arguments of
type 'double'.
I know that HkIdem is not a MATLAB function, and there is no function called that defined in all of the code that I have, but how can I calculate the Idempotents of matrix in matlab?
  댓글 수: 7
amjad 2015년 11월 3일
hi, i'm working with the same code . in his thesis he didn't mention those function (HmIdem and ModeDelay) . did someone contact him ? or found the missing code. thank you
Alireza MASOOM
Alireza MASOOM 2019년 5월 10일
It seems you all working with Wida band Line, th eorigin of code is with Ramos.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (1개)

Emanuel Rosas
Emanuel Rosas 2021년 4월 4일
Please see attached the requested functions


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