Simplify the below equation

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Raj Arora
Raj Arora 2021년 10월 4일
댓글: Star Strider 2021년 10월 4일
Can any one please tell me how to write this equation in more simplistic way
2.1894533792906461821410990117209*(1/(y1 + (0.9213080113470015332286251600932*(v1/y1^(1/2))^(43/100))/(1/y1)^(7/20) + (1/((0.9213080113470015332286251600932*(v1/y1^(1/2))^(43/100))/(1/y1)^(7/20)
I have use format options, simplify but nothings works. I only want number till 4 digit after point, rest make no sense for me.
2.1894*(1/(y + (0.9213*(v/y^(1/2))^(0.43))/(1/y)^(0.35) + (1/((0.9213*(v/y^(0.5))^(0.43))/(1/y)^(0.35) [I want like this]

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2021년 10월 4일
There are apparently unmatched parentheses. Correct that problem, then try this again —
syms v1 y1
Eqn = 2.1894533792906461821410990117209*(1/(y1 + (0.9213080113470015332286251600932*(v1/y1^(1/2))^(43/100))/(1/y1)^(7/20) + (1/((0.9213080113470015332286251600932*(v1/y1^(1/2))^(43/100))/(1/y1)^(7/20)
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
Eqn = vpa(simplify(Eqn,500), 5)
Note that anything in the exponents will not be affected by the vpa function. It simply ignores them.
  댓글 수: 2
Raj Arora
Raj Arora 2021년 10월 4일
Thanks star strider
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021년 10월 4일
As always, my pleasure!

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