How to activate bubble chart

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Morteza Tohidi
Morteza Tohidi 2021년 9월 29일
댓글: Morteza Tohidi 2021년 9월 29일
Hi everybody
I would like to use bubblecharts but it seems its not installed or activated in my MATLAB. Is there anyone helping me for that? should I install a specific package?

답변 (2개)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2021년 9월 29일
Bubblechart was added to core MATLAB in R2020b. You'll need to upgrade to this release or find a variant on the file exchange.

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly 2021년 9월 29일
편집: Kevin Holly 2021년 9월 29일
bubblechart was introduced in R2020b. What version of MATLAB do you have?


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