Compare 2 strings without using ismember or strcmp

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
flashpode 2021년 9월 27일
댓글: flashpode 2021년 9월 27일
Hi, I've got a code that gives me different outputs and I want to compare the messages inside them and the ones that are not in one string(X) and are in the other(Y) write them into another output. Lets see:
K is the number of messages that has an string.
If K from X is not in Y = L
And I do not want to use ismember or srcmp because the proces would be very long.
I guess I have explained myself.
Thank youuu for the answer!!!
  댓글 수: 4
flashpode 2021년 9월 27일
편집: Walter Roberson 2021년 9월 27일
a = [qwert34776;
b = [qpwn3feini;
This could be an example of imputs and the output woulf be the ones that are in a that they are not in b.
And using ismember or strcmp slows the proces because the inputs I got have a lot of data to be comparing one by one
flashpode 2021년 9월 27일
I made an example of two imputs if you want the original inputs I can give you but they are this way mixing some letters with numbers and comas, etc

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Stephen23 2021년 9월 27일
편집: Stephen23 2021년 9월 27일
Presuming that your examples with invalid syntax are actually supposed to be string arrays:
a = ["qwert34776";"dnfien/8863";"feihfidi234";"939405'cncieni";"300oppdf";"din2004ms"];
b = ["qpwn3feini";"300oppdf";"hfgt4568";"qwert34776";"dnfien/8863"];
c = setdiff(a,b)
c = 3×1 string array
"939405'cncieni" "din2004ms" "feihfidi234"
Most likely using SETDIFF will be faster than writing your own function (including time to write, time to test, time to debug, time to maintain, and runtime).

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