spl_meter function output vlaue difference

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
hamin je
hamin je 2021년 9월 6일
댓글: hamin je 2021년 9월 8일
hi i want 1/3 octave band db
so i use spl_meter function
but I put the same value into the same function, but the value that comes out is different.
I want to know reason this sitution

채택된 답변

jibrahim 2021년 9월 7일
Hi Hamin,
splMeter contains filters that remember the previous output, i.e. it has states. You should not expect the same input to give the same output. If you want to discard states (the effect of the previous input), call release first:
y = spl(x);
y2 = spl(x); % y and y2 are equal
Also, make sure x is a column vector, not a row vector, A 1-by-N row vector is treated as N indepedent channels of data, with one sample each.

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