How to get rid of black background when displaying an image

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Carlos 2014년 7월 31일
답변: Image Analyst 2014년 7월 31일
I am displaying an image in my GUI using the commands
A = imread('filename.png') imshow(A)
When the image displays it always has a black background (not the background of the figure). When I open the image in an image viewer it is transparent. Is there a way to make this black background of the image become transparent so behind the image is the color of the figure window. Is this possible?
Thank you

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 7월 31일
You're probably seeing the background color of the axes control. I haven't tried it but I'd probably see if you can make the color of the axes control be the same as the figure color.


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