ASAM XIL interface - No valid ImplementationManifest file found

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Maximilian Dio
Maximilian Dio 2021년 8월 23일
댓글: cedric manoury 2022년 1월 26일
I am trying to connect my computer to a micro autobox (MAB) from dSpace. I want to use the ASAM XIL interface and I am following the following tutorial: untitled (, However when I have no clou what parameters I need to use for the testBench
testBench = tbFactory.CreateVendorSpecificTestbench('dSPACE GmbH', 'XIL API', '2017-A');
I allways get the error message that no ImplementationManifest file is found
Message: Error during loading of the requested Testbench library occurred. [No valid ImplementationManifest file found in the folder:
C:\ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation.] Vendor Description:
Source: ASAM.XIL.Implementation.TestbenchFactory
By the way there was no folder 'C:\ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation' I have reated it manually.
Does anyone have experience with this interface or is there maybe another way to alter parameters in the code which runs on the dSpace MAB
Best Regards and Thank you.
  댓글 수: 1
cedric manoury
cedric manoury 2022년 1월 26일
Hi Maximillian,
I use the XIL API to perform automatic tests on a MABII. I hope you already solved your issue.
Your code line is correct (parameters too) but you should have manifest files (.imf) in the folder "C:\ProgramData\ASAM\XIL\Implementation". If not, there was probably an issue during the Dspace XIL API installation.

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