How can i get the expression of function from the Graph ??

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Arslan Ali
Arslan Ali 2014년 7월 18일
편집: dpb 2014년 7월 19일
I want to obtain the function of the curve.....i.e if there is exponential curve...matlab should find the function i.e f=3*e^2
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dpb 2014년 7월 18일
The Magic Toolbox hasn't yet been released, sorry...

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Gareth Thomas
Gareth Thomas 2014년 7월 18일
However I would invite you to explore the Curve Fitting Toolbox.
  댓글 수: 1
dpb 2014년 7월 19일
편집: dpb 2014년 7월 19일
What function there will have "Matlab find the function if there is an exponential curve?" OP may indeed fit an exponential to his data if so inclined, but Matlab won't tell him that that's what's in the plot figure a priori. Now, if he gets a very good correlation and diagnostics don't point out any major fitting issues, it may well be that drawing the conclusion the data follow such a functional form, but Matlab's going to have to have quite a lot of help from the to get to that point.

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