Linear/One-dimensional antenna array

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Tadej 2011년 8월 17일
Could someone please evaluate this program and tell me if it works fine. The purpose of this program is to see what the plot of one dimensional antenna pattern looks like. First you choose Number of elements in array and Wavenumber. Than for each element you enter its Magnitude, Phase and Position (on X axis). At the end program draw a beampattern plot of one dimensional antenna array.
%Tadej Trinko linear array pattern
clear all;
N = input ('Enter The Number Of Array Elements : ') ;
lambda = input ('Enter The Value Of Lambda (c/f) : ') ;
B =(2*pi/lambda);
for I = 1 : N
Current = I
Cm(I) = input ('Enter the Magnitude of the Current in Amperes : ') ;
Cp(I) = input ('Enter the Phase of the Current : ') ;
K = input ('Enter the Position of Element on X-axis : ') ;
C(I) = Cm(I) * exp(1j * B * sin(Cp(I)*pi/180));
%Plot of The Output Polar
u = 0:0.01:2*pi ; %0<u<2*pi
H = 0 ;
for I = 1 : N
H = H + ( C(I) .* exp ( -1j * ( I-1 ) * K * sin (u) ) ) ;
F = abs ( H ) ;
figure ( 1 ) , polar ( u , F ) ;
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Tadej

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