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datestr producing incorrect dates

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Cary 2014년 6월 28일
댓글: per isakson 2014년 6월 28일
Hello everyone,
I am testing some historical data, and and the raw dates import as serialized dates. So when I convert these dates into strings in the 'yyyymmdd' format, I would expect to see the following: 39400 (serial date) converts into 20071114 (November 14, 2007). However, when I use datestr on 39400 I get 01071115. In other words, the year (2007) and the day(14th) are incorrect. Am I missing something? Thanks for reading.

답변 (2개)

per isakson
per isakson 2014년 6월 28일
편집: per isakson 2014년 6월 28일
"39400" is an "Excel serial date number".
Matlab: A serial date number represents the whole and fractional number of days from a fixed, preset date (January 0, 0000).
>> datenum( '20071114', 'yyyymmdd' )
ans =
There is a function in the Financial Toolbox, x2mdate, Excel serial date number to MATLAB serial date number. See that documentation and write your own function.

Cary 2014년 6월 28일
편집: Cary 2014년 6월 28일
Thank you. How can I prevent the dates from being imported as excel serial numbers (I understand I can use x2mdate if this is not possible)?
  댓글 수: 1
per isakson
per isakson 2014년 6월 28일
AKAIK: One cannot prevent that and has to convert them in a second step. See my answer.

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