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Need to Convert RGB color space to L*U*V* color space , Please tell am i correct with this code

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
%convert to RgbI image in RGB to XYZ
XYZTransformation = makecform('srgb2xyz');
XyzI = applycform(RgbI,XYZTransformation);
%seperate X,Y,Z
X = XyzI(:,:,1);
Y = XyzI(:,:,2);
Z = XyzI(:,:,3);
figure, imshow(X) , title('X');
figure, imshow(Y) , title('Y');
figure, imshow(Z) , title('Z');
xyz = cat(3, X,Y,Z);
figure, imshow(xyz) , title('xyz');
%convert to XYZ
labTransformation = makecform('xyz2uvl');
luvI = applycform(xyz,labTransformation);
%seperate X,Y,Z
u = luvI(:,:,1);
v = luvI(:,:,2);
l = luvI(:,:,3);
figure, imshow(l) , title('l');
figure, imshow(u) , title('u');
figure, imshow(v) , title('v');

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 6월 22일
Looks right to me. Just realize that any lab or luv or any other colorspace values you get from "book formulas" are not going to be the same as the "true" values you'd get from a spectrophotometer or spectroradiometer. This is because your system is not calibrated and it assumes the values are sRGB which is not true.
  댓글 수: 4

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