Supressing messages of the type "(command) will be removed in a future release."
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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Hi all
I need to play some WAV files, and for some reason audioplayer isn't playing them, whereas wavplay is. However, on every call of the wavplay function, I get the warning: "WAVPLAY will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOPLAYER instead. " displayed in the command window, which is disruptive to the user.
Is there any way to make these warnings stop appearing every time I call wavplay?
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답변 (2개)
Image Analyst
2014년 6월 19일
Please see my function below (and also attached) that turns that off, plus others that are common:
function TurnOffWarnings
% To set the warning state, you must first know the message identifier for the one warning you want to enable.
% Query the last warning to acquire the identifier. For example:
% warnStruct = warning('query', 'last')
% messageID = warnStruct.identifier
% messageID =
% MATLAB:concatenation:integerInteraction
% Turn off this warning "Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 33% "
warning('off', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');
% Get rid of warning about roipolyold being deprecated:
% "Warning: Function ROIPOLYOLD will be removed in the future. Use ROIPOLY instead"
warning('off', 'images:removing:function');
% Get rid of warning about directory already existing:
% "Warning: Directory already exists."
warning('off', 'MATLAB:MKDIR:DirectoryExists');
% Turn off note "Warning: Added specified worksheet." that appears in the command window.
warning('off', 'MATLAB:xlswrite:AddSheet');
% Get rid of warning about wavread() being deprecated:
% "Warning: WAVREAD will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOREAD instead."
warning('off', 'MATLAB:audiovideo:wavread:functionToBeRemoved');
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function %s() at line %d.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ...
ME.stack(1).name, ME.stack(1).line, ME.message);
fprintf(1, '%s\n', errorMessage);
return; % from TurnOffWarnings
댓글 수: 0
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