Cluster with 8 workers runs only one job at a time

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Stephen 2014년 6월 18일
댓글: Stephen 2014년 6월 19일
I am using a local cluster (parcluster) to run 6 jobs. When I examine my cluster, I see that it reports 8 workers. Since I'm submitting the 6 jobs simulataneously, I would expect that all six would start running right away. Instead, the jobs are only executed one at a time with the others remaining in a 'queued' state. Is there a way to run more than one job at a time, or (best case) run all jobs simultaneously?
  댓글 수: 2
Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis 2014년 6월 18일
How are you submitting these jobs? I just tried this using the BATCH command, and saw this:
>> c = parcluster('local');
>> for idx = 1:6, batch(c, 'pause(10)'); end
>> c.Jobs
ans =
6x1 Job array:
ID Type State FinishTime Username Tasks
1 1 independent running eellis 1
2 2 independent running eellis 1
3 3 independent running eellis 1
4 4 independent running eellis 1
5 5 independent running eellis 1
6 6 independent running eellis 1
Stephen 2014년 6월 18일
The jobs are submitted as a group of 20 tasks using createTask, as follows:
myCluster = parcluster;
for i = 1:6
workerTable{i,1} = createJob(myCluster);
for j = 1:20

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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2014년 6월 18일
The tasks are not running serially as you expect but are running in parallel and are thus using all of the resources available. This is why the next job has to wait until the previous has finished running all of its tasks.
  댓글 수: 3
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2014년 6월 18일
Stephen 2014년 6월 19일
How could I increase the number of workers in the parpool? Would increasing the number of workers help the background processes to finish sooner or is that capped by system resources?

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