The function isreal not working?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Giuseppe 2014년 5월 21일
댓글: Giuseppe 2014년 5월 27일
function [calc_valid, EM] = input_check(N,t,S,EV)
inputs = [N,t,S,EV]; %The inputs are placed in a vector.
calc_valid = 0;
if isreal(inputs)==0 || isa(inputs,'numeric')==0 %This checks if other than real numbers and numbers are inputted.
EM = 'ERROR: The inputs are not real numbers.';
elseif N~=0 && N<1 || N>8000 %This checks if N is not within the range 1:8000 or not = 0.
EM = 'ERROR: N is not within the range 1:8000';
elseif t~=0 && t<(1/8000) || t>2 %This checks if t is not within the range 1/8000:2 or not = 0.
EM = 'ERROR: t is not within the range 1/8000:2';
elseif S~=0 && S<25 || S>51200 %This checks if S is not within the range 25:51200 or not = 0.
EM = 'ERROR: S is not within the range 25:51200';
elseif EV<-6 || EV>23 %This checks if EV is not within the range -6:23.
EM = 'ERROR: EV is not within the range -6:23';
elseif N==0 && t==0 || N==0 && S==0 || t==0 && S==0
EM = 'ERROR: Only EV and one other variable are permitted to be zero';
EM = '';
calc_valid = 1;
For some reason all the other checks work except isreal ?
  댓글 수: 4
Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend 2014년 5월 22일
There's nothing wrong with the isreal command. Are you sure that it is not working properly? Can you give as example (e.g. values for the input variables) where the command fails?
Giuseppe 2014년 5월 27일
Cheers, This helped alot.

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