How can I spilt long integer number into pairs?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Abdulatif Alabdulatif
Abdulatif Alabdulatif 2014년 4월 17일
답변: Abdulatif Alabdulatif 2014년 4월 18일
Hi all,
I am working to solve the problem of finding the square root by using long division operation?
I know that there is a build in square root function but in my case I have to build my own function to find a square root by using a long division!
The first step of finding the square root by long division is decompose a number in two pairs and then work from that point.
ex: 1987 --> First pair(87), second pair(19) &&&& 198 --> First pair(98), second pair(1) as we should start pairing from right to left!
Could anyone help me to solve this issue? I wish if someone already has the code for perform square root by division! This will make live easier : )

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Niklas Nylén
Niklas Nylén 2014년 4월 17일
To split the integer x into pairs according to your description:
x = 12345
numDigitsInX = floor(log10(x))+1;
pairs = zeros(ceil(numDigitsInX/2),1);
for ii = 1:length(pairs)
pairs(ii) = mod(x,100);
x = (x-pairs(ii))/100;
  댓글 수: 2
Abdulatif Alabdulatif
Abdulatif Alabdulatif 2014년 4월 17일
Thanks for response! but I have difficulties to collect splitted data.
I built a function called test to try your function:
function [ ] = test()
q=[ ];
x = 12345;
numDigitsInX = floor(log10(x))+1;
pairs = zeros(ceil(numDigitsInX/2),1);
for ii = 1:length(pairs)
pairs(ii) = mod(x,100);
x = (x-pairs(ii))/100;
q = [q x];
and the result was:
q =
123 1 0
which is not the result that I am looking for! I am looking for the following similar result:
q =
45 23 1
or the inverse like
q =
1 23 45
I am beginner in matlab, so it might me my fault of understanding this function.
wish you get my idea! : )
Niklas Nylén
Niklas Nylén 2014년 4월 17일
편집: Niklas Nylén 2014년 4월 17일
What is q? The variable 'pairs' contains the number pairs.
pairs =

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Abdulatif Alabdulatif
Abdulatif Alabdulatif 2014년 4월 18일
Ture : )
Thank you so much!


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