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Assign each column seperately to each customer.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
awda 2014년 4월 10일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
Dear fellow matlab users
I have stomped upon a problem involving seperating / assigning customers to a column of data. for more explanation read after watching this picture:
i have a set of data looking this ^ .. each column represents 1 customer. so column 1 ==> customer 1. etc.. what i want is make a code that assigns each of the columns to 1 customer in a new array. cause i will divide the 1 column data into 24 (24 hours).. and then plot it.
is it possible to do it using For or while loops..instead of doing it manualy since there is 64 customers.
a curious matlab user

답변 (1개)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2014년 4월 10일
Why do you want to separate the columns? To access data of a specific customer, just use indexing into your matrix. This will keep your code very clean. You can retrieve the data of each customer
for k=1:size(OriginalMatrix,2)
CustomerData = OriginalMatrix(:,k) ;
% process, for instance, take the mean:
MeanValue(k) = mean(CustomerData) ;
but often you can take advantage of ML capability to operate on multiple columns at once! The code above can be replace by the statement:
MeanValue mean(OriginalMatrix,1) ;
  댓글 수: 4
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 4월 10일
Looks pretty much like Jos's code. Just put it inside a loop over k, and replace your 1 with k to get the kth customer instead of the first customer.
awda 2014년 4월 10일
unfortunately it is wrong. i want it to show me a graph of all the 64 customers. but 1 graph for each. so i want a for loop using kth customer. where i can call it later to plot with..
right now using jos's code i get wrong data.
since 1 customer have 24x63 matrix.. mean of the 24 hours row will be: 24x1 matrix. and that is good.. if it was possible to make it do that with all of the customer and have a resulting matrix of 24x64.. it would be great.. however with jos code i get wrong mean values even after puting the k instead of the 1 and puting it inside his loop.
any ideas :)

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