Problem using MATLAB fcn block using simulink. Simulink and mex errors.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
MICHELE 2014년 2월 28일
댓글: A Jenkins 2014년 3월 3일
I need to couple matlab code in simulink by the matlab fcn block. Unfortunately, even running very easy code, purely + and * operations, it generates errors for mex and simulink coder. Try to follow many of the tutorials and help files (as this one for instance,, but it did not work.
Please, help me solving the problem.
Thanks a lot
  댓글 수: 6
MICHELE 2014년 3월 3일
This is what I got. I am using a University version at my desk for research....
A Jenkins
A Jenkins 2014년 3월 3일
If it is important for you to use Simulink Coder for your research, then you will need to contact your University to purchase you a license for it.

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