discrete fourier

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ingrid 2011년 7월 15일
Dear all, I need to find the fourier transform of a signal. My problem is that I don't have the analytic expression of it but a file with the datas (displayed in two columns one for the time the other for the signal). I have already extracted the datas with the importdata command and I now need to get the fourier transform graph (my sample time is constant). Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ingrid

답변 (4개)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011년 7월 15일

Ingrid 2011년 7월 15일
I have already looked at the help. In the examples they give, the analytic expression of the signal is known which is not my case. I've also read the article about discrete fourier which I think might be more appropriated to what I want to do but it didn't help either.
  댓글 수: 1
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011년 7월 15일
The FFT is the discrete fourier transform - no analytical solution is required.

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Harsha Vardhan Rao  Avunoori
Harsha Vardhan Rao Avunoori 2011년 7월 15일
Hello Ingrid,
Did you try reading all the contents of your file into a cell variable and then perform fft on it ?
Something like this.
x = load('your file');
y = fft(x);
Not sure this will help you but try this.

Ingrid 2011년 7월 15일
Thank you for your help but it does't work. According to the error message, I bet it is because q is a structure (composed of the time and the amplitude of my signal).
I didn't mention it earlier but my file has a header. It's the reason why I have used importdata and it is maybe this that bothers me to use what you advised me.
  댓글 수: 5
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 7월 15일
To use fft() the times would have to be strictly increasing by a constant interval. MATLAB does not supply a routine for irregularly spaced discrete fft, but I seem to recall there are some File Exchange contributions for it. Unfortunately at the moment I do not recall the proper name for this calculation.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011년 7월 15일
but a simple interp1 could hopefully do the trick :)

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