"Data dimensions must agree" Error

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Cody Gass
Cody Gass 2014년 2월 7일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2014년 2월 8일
I'm trying to create a surface plot for the maximum inductance achievable with a solenoid of a certain length of wire with a certain wire diameter. I've created a surface plot for the diameter required to achieve maximum inductance with the previous variables, but once I insert that diameter variable into the equation for inductance, I get an error. This is what I have for graphing the diameter:
l = 12:24:24012;
w = [.008 .0089 .01 .0113 .0126 .0142 .0159 .0179 .0201 .0226 .0254 .0285 .032 .0359 .0403 .0453 .0508 .0571 .0641 .072 .0808 .0907 .1019 .1144 .1285];
awg = (-39 * (log(w/.005))/log(92)) + 36;
[l,w] = meshgrid(l,w);
d = abs(sqrt(20*l.*w./(9*pi)));
That one works perfectly. This is what I have for graphing the inductance:
l = 12:24:24012;
w = [.008 .0089 .01 .0113 .0126 .0142 .0159 .0179 .0201 .0226 .0254 .0285 .032 .0359 .0403 .0453 .0508 .0571 .0641 .072 .0808 .0907 .1019 .1144 .1285];
awg = (-39 * (log(w/.005))/log(92)) + 36;
[l,w] = meshgrid(l,w);
d = abs(sqrt(20*l.*w./(9*pi)));
L = ((l.^2)/(18*pi*pi*d) + (l.*d)/(w.*40*pi))/1000000;
As you can see, they're almost identical. All I did was add the equation for inductance and change the surf variable d to L. I've tried making up values for l and awg, and I'm able to plot it by hand if I wanted to waste my life doing that, so the equations work and shouldn't be the problem. How can I fix this error?
The exact wording of the error is as follows:
Error using surf (line 75)
Data dimensions must agree.
Error in MaxInductance (line 7)

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2014년 2월 8일
L = ((l.^2)./(18*pi*pi*d) + (l.*d)./(w.*40*pi))./1000000;
  댓글 수: 2
Cody Gass
Cody Gass 2014년 2월 8일
Thank you so much. Can you give me some guidelines for using the dot?

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