Connecting capacitor to logic gates/flip flop

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ANUBHAV SINHA 2014년 1월 15일
답변: Sabin 2024년 12월 14일
Hi, I am working on SimPowerSystems on Simulink and I constructed a dc-dc converter using the PowerElectronics toolbox. Now, my control circuit design for the converter has SR flipflop and AND/OR gates which, beside the digital elements, also needs capacitors for voltage hold up purposes.
I am unable to connect, say a capacitor (taken from Simscape->Electrical section or from Sim PowerSytems)to the input/output of logic gates (taken from the Logic and Bit Operations section) or to the input/output of two-way switch (taken from Signal Routing section). Please advise about how to construct a realistic control circuit using Simulink where digital and analog components can be interfaced with each other.
With Regards,

답변 (1개)

Sabin 2024년 12월 14일
It is not possible to directly connect Simulink signals to physical blocks. For Simscape blocks you will need to use the Simulink-PS Converter and PS-Simulink Converter blocks to uterface with physical blocks that have a PS port.
To learn more about how to build a simple circuit check this documentation page:


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