getting cell contents reference from non cell object error for following code

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Poonam 2014년 1월 15일
댓글: Image Analyst 2014년 1월 15일
if (length(A) < sArea || length(B) < sArea) || ncut > sNcut
Seg{1} = Seg{i}; %#ok<NASGU>
Id{1} = id; %#ok<NASGU> % for debugging
Ncut{1} = ncut; %#ok<NASGU> % for duebugging
getting error
??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
What is the solution
Error in ==> Nc at 74 Seg{1} = Seg{i}; %#ok<NASGU>
  댓글 수: 2
ES 2014년 1월 15일
What is in seg{}? Can you please add the whole function or something?
Poonam 2014년 1월 15일
function [Inc Knc] = Nc(I,SI,SX,r,sNcut,sArea)
[nRow, nCol,c] = size(I); % Changes
N = nRow * nCol;
V = reshape(I, N, c); % connect up-to-down way. Vertices of Graph
W = sparse(N,N); % Step 1. Compute weight matrix W, and D
F = reshape(I, N, 1, c); % col vector % Spatial Location
X = cat(3, repmat((1:nRow)', 1, nCol), repmat((1:nCol), nRow, 1));
X = reshape(X, N, 1, 2); % col vector
for ic=1:nCol % Future Work: Reduce computation to half. It can be done because W is symmetric mat
for ir=1:nRow % matlab tricks for fast computation (Avoid 'for' loops as much as possible, instead use repmat.)
% This range satisfies |X(i) - X(j)| <= r (block distance)
jc = (ic - floor(r)) : (ic + floor(r)); % vector
jr = ((ir - floor(r)) :(ir + floor(r)))';
jc = jc(jc >= 1 & jc <= nCol);
jr = jr(jr >= 1 & jr <= nRow);
jN = length(jc) * length(jr); %#ok<NASGU>
% index at vertex. V(i)
i = ir + (ic - 1) * nRow;
j = repmat(jr, 1, length(jc)) + repmat((jc -1) * nRow, length(jr), 1);
j = reshape(j, length(jc) * length(jr), 1); % a col vector
% spatial location distance (disimilarity)
XJ = X(j, 1, :);
XI = repmat(X(i, 1, :), length(j), 1);
DX = XI - XJ;
DX = sum(abs(DX), 3); % squared euclid distance
% |X(i) - X(j)| <= r (already satisfied if block distance measurement)
constraint = find(sqrt(DX) <= r);
j = j(constraint);
DX = DX(constraint);
% feature vector disimilarity
FJ = F(j, 1, :);
FI = repmat(F(i, 1, :), length(j), 1);
DF = FI - FJ;
DF = sum(abs(DF), 3); % squared euclid distance ( DF = sum(abs(DF), 3); % block distance)
W(i, j) = exp(-DF / (SI*SI)) .* exp(-DX / (SX*SX));
* *Seg = (1:N)'; % Step 5. recursively repartition* *
id = 'ROOT'; % the first segment has whole nodes. [1 2 3 ... N]'
% Compute D
N = length(W);
d = sum(W, 2);
D = spdiags(d, 0, N, N); % diagonal matrix
% Step 2 and 3. Solve generalized eigensystem (D -W)*S = S*D*U (12).
warning off; %#ok<WNOFF> % let me stop warning
[U,S] = eigs(D-W, D, 2, 'lm'); %#ok<NASGU>
% 2nd smallest (1st smallest has all same value elements, and useless)
U2 = U(:, 2);
% Bipartition the graph at point that Ncut is minimized.
t = mean(U2);
t = fminsearch('NcutValue', t, [], U2, W, D);
A = find(U2 > t);
B = find(U2 <= t);
% Step 4. Decide if the current partition should be divided
x = (U2 > t);
x = (2 * x) - 1;
d = diag(D);
k = sum(d(x > 0)) / sum(d);
b = k / (1 - k);
y = (1 + x) - b * (1 - x);
ncut = (y' * (D - W) * y) / ( y' * D * y );
if (length(A) < sArea || length(B) < sArea) || ncut > sNcut
Seg{1} = Seg{i}; %#ok<NASGU>
Id{1} = id; %#ok<NASGU> % for debugging
Ncut{1} = ncut; %#ok<NASGU> % for duebugging
% Seg segments of A
[SegA IdA NcutA] = NcutPartition(Seg(A), W(A, A), sNcut, sArea, [id '-A']);
% Seg segments of B
[SegB IdB NcutB] = NcutPartition(Seg(B), W(B, B), sNcut, sArea, [id '-B']);
% concatenate cell arrays
Seg = [SegA SegB];
Id = [IdA IdB]; %#ok<NASGU>
Ncut = [NcutA NcutB]; %#ok<NASGU>
Inc = zeros(size(I),'uint8');
for k=1:length(Seg)
[r, c] = ind2sub(size(I),Seg{k});
for i=1:length(r)
Inc(r(i),c(i),1:3) = uint8(round(mean(V(Seg{k}, :))));
Knc = length(Seg);
This is the function

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답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 1월 15일
Seg is just a regular numerical array, NOT a cell array. You created it like this:
Seg = (1:N)';
So you need to refer to it like this Seg(index), NOT like this Seg{index}. Braces are used for cells while parentheses are used for arrays. Please see the FAQ on cells:
  댓글 수: 2
Poonam 2014년 1월 15일
now getting this following error
Error in ==> Nc at 3
[nRow, nCol,c] = size(I); % Changes
??? Output argument "Inc" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 1월 15일
You redefined size(), didn't you? What does this say
>> which -all size
or just before that line of code, put this
whos size
You have a size variable or function that it's using that is not the built-in size() function.

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