Can I find nonnegative eigenvalues using eigs

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
mim 2014년 1월 13일
댓글: mim 2014년 1월 13일
In a very large sparse matrix I want to use eigs function to find all non-negative eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors, is it possible?

답변 (1개)

Paul 2014년 1월 13일
Yes it is. At least if its a symmetric matrix. Else you can only get n-2 eigenvalues, where (n,n) is the size of the matrix. Just output all the eigenvalues and then get the non-negative ones.
  댓글 수: 3
Paul 2014년 1월 13일
So I guess you're asking if there is an option to set to get only non-negative eigenvalues, which there isn't. Why isn't doing it in more steps not good enough if I may ask?
mim 2014년 1월 13일
just because I want to do it faster

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